Sunday 8 February 2015

"Weekend Update"

I use the title "Weekend Update", not because of "Saturday Night Live" (although they are about to celebrate a huge milestone), but more because I've been testing several ways parents can find out when a new post is published here.

I'm currently trying MailChimp. On the right of this page you can see where you can sign up with your preferred email address, and thereafter you'll receive email notification every day at 6:00 pm if there is new content that day. Recently we were getting a notification in the middle of the night or the next day, which is not helpful when it comes to homework. I've picked 6 pm as a compromise: late enough that I will have had a chance to sit down and write; early enough to be helpful for that evening's homework.

I am also testing another free service called Blogtrottr. The good news is it sends an email within minutes of a new post appearing online, such as this one. The bad news is the email is ad-supported so the email notification has an advertisement embedded in it, over which I have no control. I also can't tell if things will change after the first month of their trial... I don't want to have to pay to have you notified. At the moment it appears "free", and if it stays that way, the timeliness of instant notification may outweigh the annoyance of advertisements. If you want to try Blogtrottr (it's free and there is no need even for an account), go to and you then enter on their website  the address of my blog, which is   and your preferred email address, and that's all there is to it. You'll receive email notification within a few minutes of a new post going online.

I will continue to monitor how these two systems work. Let me know if you tried one or other and what your experience is over the next couple of weeks by participating in the poll on the right side of this page.

You can also always reach me here:
pclarke @sd44 dot ca