Friday 13 February 2015

Friday the 13th, February 2015

Well, we made it through another Friday the 13th, and so far no bad luck has befallen us! Whew!

We had some excellent "Bad Science" presentations today, showcasing excellent teamwork, solid understanding of what makes for good experimental design, and lots of great presentation skills.

No new homework for the weekend.

Gr. 5s should be practicing their times tables; as a class we are working on the 11 times tables.

The order I teach the times tables are:

0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 11, 9, 4, 6, 7, 8, 12.

As a Gr. 5 class we have worked our way up, in that order, completing the 10 times tables earlier this week, and now we've started on the 11 times tables. Soon things will get a bit more challenging, and there is no reason not to spend some time on the harder times tables in advance.

Writing for clarity, vocabulary building, and the mechanics of spelling, punctuation, and grammar should also be an occasional task on a weekend when there is no other homework. The key is for the child to have an adult look it over to gain feedback. If your child does any extracurricular writing, I'd be happy to work with them as long as they bring it in to me.

Reading, as always, should be a daily, or near-daily event. Twenty to thirty minutes of reading at home for pleasure really pays dividends!

I hope your family has a great weekend together.

Happy Valentines!