Friday 17 October 2014

Wow, what a great week with your kids!

Lots of art, math well underway, we've made excellent progress on our class novel ("The Fourteenth Goldfish"), and we've started our blogs. I'll start by talking about our student blogs.

Student blogs:
Each home should have this address bookmarked or favorited:

Students have this written down in their Agendas, but just in case, I've posted it above. Each child will have to log in with their personal password. Each post must first pass by me for approval, and I am being picky about capitals, punctuation, and full sentences. If a child thought they had finished a blog post, but it doesn't appear, it's because I veto'd it and sent it back to sit in that student's Drafts folder. (Control Panel --> Dashboard --> Draft).

Now for their first blog post, its title should be "The Fourteenth Goldfish". Students are allowed to include their own first name, but must keep all other personal information out of the blog ( no pictures of themselves or family (pets are Ok), no last names, no home addresses, no phone numbers or any other sensitive information). This time I would like them to blog about their first impressions of the book "The Fourteenth Goldfish" so far. We've read to the end of Chapter 7 (out of 29), so although we're not very far into the novel, I would like to see what they like; what is funny (or not); what is confusing, why they like it or not, etc.

Their first blog post may hit a few roadblocks until they get used to the Control Panel. Please assist if you are able, so that a presentable post is ready for publishing no later than Monday morning. They can hit "Publish" (which sends it to me) anytime 24/7. I'll be watching and editing all weekend, but by Monday morning I'd like at least a paragraph on each blog. If you or your child gets stuck, you can email me here:  pclarke at sd44 dot ca


 Mrs. Martin has asked that all students have their version of this picture (below) completed for Monday morning. You child's won't look exactly like this, but will have a combination of spheres in the foreground and colourful triangles in the background.

Also, our Christmas Card fundraiser artwork will be collected this Monday morning, so if your child hasn't finished their Northern Lights/Polar Bear art, it MUST be brought in to class Monday morning. That art would look something like the art below:

Gr. 5s are working on several pages of a math handout, but there is no homework assigned; we will do this in-class and will complete it next week prior to a math quiz.
Gr. 6: pp. 57-58 # 10-16 (M)

"The Fourteenth Goldfish" post due no later than Monday

Photo orders: the deadline for photo orders is Thursday 23 October. Photos are optional, but if you choose to place an order, ensure the order & payment is brought into class no later than Oct. 23. If a photo retake is required, keep the order form for now. Students must hand the order form to the photographer on Retake Day (to be announced later).

First attempts at the "Finding Franklin" assignment were generally very poorly done with many students writing in incomplete sentences, with missing capitals and punctuation. If your child received a mark of 10/15 or worse, they have the opportunity to try again and re-submit their work for remarking. I won't chase students for this, so otherwise their original mark will stand.