Wednesday 17 February 2016

Wednesday, February 18, 2016


For Ms. Russell: Bring a notebook, and pictures from magazines or online for the front cover (Th)

Please bring in any Vancouver Giant's Read to Succeed passports... and especially time sensitive is the order form for adult tickets.

Science: Salmon "Show What You Know" projects are starting to be presented (two very successful presentations happened today); students should be working hard to complete their project either by Friday of this week or perhaps early next week if more time is required.

Math:  We continue to work on long division. I really like this iOS app for iPhone and iPad:

Long Division by Esa Helttula
It does cost money, but it offers everything from significant step-by-step help and animations for beginners all the way up to offering no hints or help for even complicated division questions. It is brilliant at teaching the algorithm, that is, the steps required for long division.

Students need lots of different kinds of questions to practice on, and they need lots of practice to internalize the steps and get accurate with their times tables.

In addition, we're working on our four times tables.