Monday 16 November 2015

Monday, November 16, 2015


There are two Social Studies projects currently underway:

1) Mr. Chan's Land Use project (due Nov 24)

2) Ms. Beleski/Mr. Clarke's Immigration/Emigration project. That is now due Nov. 23 (this is a change)

Also, in Science, students learned about what blood is made of today and those notes need to be added to their Mind Map of the Circulatory System. (scroll down to see details)

Here is Mr. Chan's outline for his project:

This is what my Mind Map looks like in its current, beginning stages: The Big Idea/Topic starts in the centre of the page ("Circulatory System") with radiating hierarchical branches that contribute to the sum of the system. No colour, not yet visually pleasing, but that is just fine for now.