Tuesday 7 April 2015

Tuesday April 7, 2015

Homework for the day:

Thunder Cave questions (see below) due W
Thunder Cave headlines x 2 (W)


Gr. 5:  Read  p. 131 on Bias.  Think for Yourself and Try This p. 132  (W)

Gr. 6: Think For Yourself (p. 77) (W)

****Reading assignment for Thunder Cave****
 Read p 154 - 158
Jacob is the novel's protagonist; Moja is an antagonist. Describe them in detail.
What do you imagine Supreet has been doing all this time?
Where in this passage did Jacob do some inferencing?
Elephants are herd animals, which means they stick together. They are also intelligent. What might they have been doing to "hide", if that is possible?

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