Wednesday 14 January 2015

Wow. First blog post in nearly a week. Meetings out of school every day since last Wednesday keeps me hopping, but no time for blog updates, for which I apologize.  Fortunately there hasn't been a lot of homework, per se, but one might wonder what, if anything, the students are learning judging from the Cone of Silence that has descended over this blog!

Gr. 6: No homework
Gr. 5: p. 141 # 9, 10, 11 (F) *** Also, we have begun working on times tables, starting with the 2 times tables (2 x 0 up to 2 x 12), and we'll have a quiz this Friday 16 January on that.

For Ms. Weiss (Th)
-Christmas paragraph

Reminder: Tennis continues this week and next (and you should see the progress!!).

Parent meeting tonight with Mrs. Martin if your child will be participating in the ski/snowboard program with us and Mt. Seymour.