Gr. 4s need to complete the definitions for the keywords found on p. 173 of Unit 5 "Fractions and Decimals" (Th)
Gr. 5s need to complete the work on Volume, p. 137 # 4, 5, 6 (Th)
1) Science Fair: Both the typed "write-up" and the 3-panel display need to be brought to school this Friday 12 April. Presentations to the class begin next week on Monday and Tuesday. Our students will present to other classes on Thursday 18 April from 1:30-2:30 pm. Parents are invited to join us that same night (Thursday 18 April) from 6:30 - 7:30 pm to see all of the Intermediate classes' science fair projects from Gr. 4 - 7.
2) Field trip:
On Friday 19 April our class goes to the Seymour River Fish Hatchery all day. Please return the permission form asap if you haven't already done so. I am still looking for drivers if you can spare the time!