Monday, 8 April 2013

Bibliography for Science Fair

It is important for students to give credit to their sources of ideas. Plagiarism is when ideas are not properly attributed to their source. It is easy to avoid plagiarism: write in your own words (so do NOT simply copy/paste; and give credit and a link to the source of the ideas used in the science fair investigation.

To this end, I asked children to include a brief Bibliography, both as the last page of their write-up as well as a second copy glued to the back of their 3-panel display.

At this early intermediate level, I am not overly fussy about getting the format of the bibliography correct: I just want all students to have the practice of including a bibliography.

I have included a document here which shows the three most common sources that need attribution (book, website, person).

Reminder: the write-ups are to be typed, and are due in to me no later than this Friday 12 April 2013.