Sunday, 24 April 2016

Welcome to Brooksbank!

As a class it seemed like it was about time for a party. Shortly thereafter we received word we would be getting a new student from Brazil in our class along with an older brother in Gr 7 and a sister in Kindergarten. Thus, the party became a Welcome! party.

Along with student-donated food and pink lemonade to drink, the class was decorated, 4 rap songs were written and performed (all original works on the theme of welcoming the family to Canada and Brooksbank while they said farewell to Brazil),  a fun "test" using the Plickers app was written by two students so knowledge of both Canada and Brazil was tested, and finally the class showcased their dance they had first performed at the Intermediate Dance Festival at Centennial Theatre.

Why have a party?

"At Brooksbank Elementary we believe that our students’ levels of engagement and sense of belonging are correlates and determiners of their academic achievement." 

This is the opening sentence of our School Plan for 2015/2016, which continues our school-wide focus on belonging, established two years ago. 

And so we welcomed Diego, Pedro, and Giovana in high style. Our students were such good ambassadors, showing compassion, creativity, and a lovely welcoming spirit!