Speaking of division, another practice sheet of long division questions was assigned to be completed over the weekend. I have included the answers so if students get stuck, they can work backwards to recheck their computations. This is long division, so I'll need to see their work, not just the (given) answers... like this:
In Science, students were given the choice to prepare a way to show me what they know of the topics we have covered around our unit on Salmon. The topics they will be responsible for include:
Life Cycle of salmon
Needs and Threats at different stages
Journal writing
Characteristics of fish
Some students may prefer to study for a test. Some would prefer to make a skit, movie, or create some art, or write a "Sammy the Salmon" story instead of writing a test. In any case, they should decide how to "Show What I Know" about salmon... in other words, the content is no less important than the format of presentation. Students should be ready to showcase their knowledge or understandings by the end of next week.