Monday, 2 March 2015

Monday March 2, 2015

This, our last week prior to Spring Break, will be an unusual one. Our Grade 6s are off up at Outdoor School for the week even though report cards went home this afternoon, and parent/teacher interviews are scheduled for Tuesday and Thursday of this week.

Speaking of parent/teacher interviews, the school is doing student-led conferences for the most part (though not in the case of the absent Grade 6s), so please ensure your child accompanies you if at all possible. If you haven't yet signed up for a 15-minute time slot, please drop by or call the Office to arrange a time for tomorrow (Tuesday 3 March) or Thursday (5 March) from 2:30-5:30 pm.

Gr. 5s have begun studying for the 9 times tables quiz we will have later this week. In the meantime, look for a Math quiz for Gr 5s to come home for your signature please.

**************** Wednesday we are going to see some inspirational student talks at Centennial Theatre, and we are desperate for drivers to drive us back at the end of the day on Wednesday 4 March. If you can help drive, please let me know. At the moment, we're faced with leaving early so we can walk back from Centennial Theatre.

In the meantime, please ensure your Informed Consent form for this field trip has been returned to Mr. Clarke as soon as possible.