Friday, 27 March 2015

Friday 27 March 2015


Gr. 5: draw the square, rectangle and hexagon on p. 227.
Gr. 6: p. 9-10 # 5-8 (M)

Social Studies:
Gr. 5: Good copy of the Railway "map" from p. 125 in the text (M)
Gr. 6: read p. 73-76 and prepare notes (M)

Groups should prepare themselves this weekend so that testing can begin next week, with the hopes that the actual experiment can be completed by Wednesday 1 April.

Thursday, 26 March 2015

HOMEWORK: Thursday, March 26


1. Grade 6 Math: p. 8 #1, 2, 4 (Friday)


1. Grade 5 Math: p. 225 #4-7 (Friday)

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


Today's math lesson was pre-empted so yesterday's homework will not be due until Friday.

Meantime, Gr. 5s should be practicing their 4 times tables. We'll start our in-class 4 x tables Friday so we can complete them next week, which is a short week prior to Easter Friday.

Students are working with one or two others to design and carry out an experiment. They should be building aparatus, or testing the timing, or doing trial runs before the official experiment starts so they will know where refinements will be needed. Some students have chosen more ambitious projects, and may need more time (which is fine), whereas others may have their experiment completed several days prior (which is also fine). Evaluation will be on their submitted science experiment write-ups.

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Math Homework:
Gr. 5:  p. 225 # 4-7 (W)
Gr. 6: p. 123 # 11-14 (W)

Health & Career Education
Today we were covering Internet Safety, specifically about Social Media and Passwords/Identity

1)    Social Media
-you are in control of what you upload or who you follow online, but...
-you are NOT in control of what others do
-remember that images and words uploaded ought to be considered permanent

2)    Passwords + Identity
-passwords need to be long, complicated, not memorizable (so password manager software like 1Password or LastPass are required)
-as an adult, I have just under 800 passwords (!) and none of them are the same, none are memorizable, all are complicated (upper/lower case, symbols, digits); you are asking for trouble if you use the same password over and over again.
-your identity (which is made up of what you say online, pictures associated with you, and even names you choose for email) should be professional and serious, since this will follow you for years to come

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Panama to Galapagos

Since October of this year the students and I have been following the adventures of my friend, Cress, as he and his wife sail the final leg homeward bound after sailing around the world for the last 10 years.

They are in light winds, several days out of the Galapagos Islands.

Friday, 6 March 2015

Friday 6 March 2015

It was great to see the Grade 6s back just around dismissal time today. Big smiles on their faces, but I'll bet most of them will sleep well tonight. I know Mr. Kelly will! It's tiring being responsible for all those students 24/7. Please thank him if the feeling moves you when you see him after Spring Break.

We started the day with a great walk up to Sutherland Secondary where we got front row seats to the BC High School Gymnastics Championships... women's events. Very impressive skill level on the various events we saw. Following on the inspiring talks we witnessed at Centennial Theatre with F.E.A.T. on Wednesday, this has been a great week.

Gr. 5 students had a 9 times tables test, which I'd like signed by a parent and returned to me when school is back in session Monday March 23, 2015.

Have a great Spring Break!

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

That was an inspiring day! We walked over to Centennial Theatre in the sunshine for F.E.A.T. (a series of fantastic expedition & adventure talks given by North Shore teens or elementary students. Collectively they told stories of what has inspired them to pursue adventures in the outdoors, or as high-level athletes, or as cultural ambassadors in foreign counties. Band members then went off in a bus with Ms. Dunkley to Mountainside for the Band Festival where they performed 2 pieces, and watched as two other school bands performed. A great day all round.


Gr. 5s Graphing Test (Th)

Last day for Purdy's Chocolate Fundraising drive.

If not done already, the long division test needs to be signed by parents.

Reminder, parent/teacher interviews finish up tomorrow (Thursday). For Gr. 5s this will be a student-led conference; for Gr. 6s it will obviously just be parents and teachers, while the 6s continue to experience another day of glorious sunshine!

Monday, 2 March 2015

Monday March 2, 2015

This, our last week prior to Spring Break, will be an unusual one. Our Grade 6s are off up at Outdoor School for the week even though report cards went home this afternoon, and parent/teacher interviews are scheduled for Tuesday and Thursday of this week.

Speaking of parent/teacher interviews, the school is doing student-led conferences for the most part (though not in the case of the absent Grade 6s), so please ensure your child accompanies you if at all possible. If you haven't yet signed up for a 15-minute time slot, please drop by or call the Office to arrange a time for tomorrow (Tuesday 3 March) or Thursday (5 March) from 2:30-5:30 pm.

Gr. 5s have begun studying for the 9 times tables quiz we will have later this week. In the meantime, look for a Math quiz for Gr 5s to come home for your signature please.

**************** Wednesday we are going to see some inspirational student talks at Centennial Theatre, and we are desperate for drivers to drive us back at the end of the day on Wednesday 4 March. If you can help drive, please let me know. At the moment, we're faced with leaving early so we can walk back from Centennial Theatre.

In the meantime, please ensure your Informed Consent form for this field trip has been returned to Mr. Clarke as soon as possible.