Friday, 10 May 2013


Gr 4s are progressing with their unit on fractions and fractions of sets.
Gr. 5s are finishing their chapter on area, volume, and capacity. We are using the pages on p. 158-159 to practice prior to an end-of-unit quiz next week.

Bighouse for the Grade 4s:
We go up May 27th and return May 28th by 3:00 pm. Medical forms are required and 12 out of 16 families have completed them and returned them to me. We need the remaining ones as soon as possible, please. You can make cheques out to Brooksbank School for $95.00. More information will be coming home soon.

Students are progressing quite well with learning their lines so they are completely memorized. They will need to work on their lines continuously right up until we perform the play (June 11 & 12). We have about 4.5 weeks remaining, so NOW is the time to be memorizing lines until they are overlearned.

Here is the latest Chapter summary in point form notes. Students have been asked to re-write these as full sentences that flow together in paragraph form.