Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Tuesday, May 31st


Harbour Tour tomorrow.
Students should not arrive late to school.
Parent drivers: Please be here by 9:00am tomorrow.
**Students/Parents are reminded to bring/wear warm clothing for our Harbour tour. 

Missing homework:
Students need to hand all missing homework in to Ms. Russell by tomorrow. The following should be handed in if it isn't:
1. Chapter Prediction (Number the Stars)
2. Number the Stars Assignment 1 (Comparing your life with Annemarie's/Ellen's lives)
3. Chinese Immigration Graphic Timeline (Comic)

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Thursday, May 26


1. Harbour Field Trip Forms

2. Double Bar Graphs Quiz on Thursday, June 9th:

You will need to know how to draw and label a double bar graph, as well as answer questions about the data displayed in the bar graph.

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Tuesday, May 24th (Genius Hour Presentations)


Students should practice their presentations at home, so they are ready for their presentation day. They are given approximately 3 minutes for their presentations. Remember to bring in your creation and everything you need for your presentation!

**Students are reminded to dress their best on their presentation day**

Below is the order of the presentations:

Wednesday, May 25th: (11:20-12:10 and 1:00pm-2:00pm)


Lucas M.



Lucas W

Thursday, May 26th           1:15pm-2:30pm





Thursday, 19 May 2016

Young Scientists

Science this week! How do you separate homogeneous mixtures?

Thursday, May 19th, 2016


1. Practice for Genius Hour Presentation (Wednesday and Thursday are presentation days)
     -Practice keeping your presentation to 3 minutes.
     -Practice projecting your voice and looking at your audience.

2. Read Chapter 9 in Number the Stars (Tu)
3. Graphic Timeline for Social Studies (Tu)
4. Math: P. 268 #1 (Th)


Some students still need to hand in their Harbour Tour forms. A big thank you to all parents who have already signed up to drive! We need a couple more drivers if you are available on Monday, June 1st from 9:00am until around 11:30am.

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Tuesday, May 17th, 2016


  • GENIUS HOUR PROJECTS (including journals) due Tomorrow (Wednesday)
  • 2 Harbour Forms
  • Math Quiz on Comparing Fractions for students who want to rewrite (Wednesday)
Example math quiz question:
Compare the following fractions by dividing:

              9/18                                            5/6

*Remember: We need the fractions to the have same denominator, so we can compare them. 
             9/18                                             5/6          

(Divide both the                                        (We don't need to do anything to this fraction.)
numerator (9) and
denominator (18) by 3
to get the same denominator
as (3/6)
              =3/6                   <                       5/6
          So,  9/18                  <                    5/6


Compare the following fractions by dividing:

              1. 6/14               3/7
              2. 4/12              2/3

Sunday, 15 May 2016

Friday, May 13th, 2016


  • Number the Stars novel: Read Chapter 5 (due Monday, May 16th)
  • GENIUS HOUR PROJECT (creation and journal of learning) due Wednesday, May 18th 


  • 2 Forms for Working Waterfront field trip (Harbour Tour)
  • Snack Form for Fun Day (due Thursday, May 19th)

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Thursday, May 12th, 2016


  • Comparing Fractions Quiz (Friday)
  • Harbour Poem (Friday)
  • Number the Stars Assignment #1 (Friday) 
  • 2 Forms for Working Waterfront (Harbour Tour) Field Trip
  • Snack Form for Fun Day (due May 19th)
  • Math: Choose one survey question for the class, along with 3 or 4 answers to choose from

  • ***Genius Hour Project: May 18th***

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Wednesday, May 11th, 2016


Comparing Fractions Quiz (Friday)
Harbour Poem (Friday)

Salmon Release Writing (Friday)

***A reminder that Genius Hour projects are due next Wednesday, May 18th. ***

Salmon Release May 11th

What an amazing day we had yesterday at Hastings Creek. We released 114 salmon fry yesterday! Our salmon fry will soon be migrating down the rivers to the estuaries. Photo credits to Ry's dad!

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Tuesday, May 10th, 2016


  • 8 Times Table Quiz (Wednesday)
  • Genius Hour: Students should be well into researching and planning their creation. Genius Hour projects are due on May 18th.  Students will present their learning the following week.

  • Comparing Fractions Quiz (Friday)
Example of a quiz question on Friday:

Compare the two fractions by using multiplication and division (in order to get the same denominator). Use the symbols <,  >,  or =  to compare the fractions.

Question:  4/5   ____   6/10

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Wednesday May 4, 2016


Genius Hour Question to be written in journal (Th)

•  500+ mL salmon container for releasing salmon fry

•  Return the signed Salmon field trip permission form.

If you're interested, return school supply forms for next year asap.

We will need parent drivers next Tuesday May 10 in the morning. Would you be available to drive? Please let Mr. Clarke know asap if you are.

We'll transport students (and salmon) at 9 a.m. to a site 10 minutes from Brooksbank. Kids and fish get dropped off. Parents can stay, or leave and return to drive students back to Brooksbank at 11 a.m. It would be great if you can spare the time to help us out! Please indicate on the form your child brought home if you might be available to drive. Thanks!

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Genius Hour!

Hello Division 4 Parents!

You may have heard your child speaking about Genius Hour or talking about having to create something for school. This May, Division 4 students will have the opportunity to learn about something THEY choose to learn about! The Grade 5 BC curriculum recognizes that each student has their own interests and passions and that time is needed for students to explore those interests. This is the idea behind Genius Hour.

Genius Hour or the idea behind it is practiced in many elementary and high schools. Its origins likely come from the Google company which allows its engineers to spend 20% of their working time on projects they are interested in.

What does this look like for us? Over the past month, students in Division 4 have been brainstorming areas they are interested in learning about. Last week, students were to come up with a question that they wanted to explore. Most students crafted a question but some are still trying to pinpoint that question. After coming up with their question, students have 3 tasks:
1. Research. Students need to choose a question that requires them to find things out. Students should keep a journal of their learning. Their journal can be a written journal, written and photo journal, or video journal. Journal entries are due the Friday of each week.
2. Create. Students will need to create something. Some students want to create a robot, learn how to bake a certain thing, learn how to draw a dress, etc.  
3. Present. Near the end of May, students will present their learning and bring in their creation. Students may present with a demonstration, PowerPoint or explanation of their creation. Students will be given 3 minutes to share their learning.

Most of the research and creating will need to be done at home though students will have opportunities to ask questions and share their learning in class each week. Students should lead and direct all of their learning though parents are welcome to assist and supervise (if needed). 


Julie Russell