Friday, 30 October 2015

Friday October 30, 2015

We are looking at Monday or Tuesday of next week for a short quiz to check understanding of the content covered so far in the last couple of weeks. Specifically we're looking at expanded form, standard form, written numbers, multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100; whole numbers up to
100 000. (M or T)

We had a rich conversation under Ms. Beleski's leadership around emigration today, and that will lead the class into an inquiry project around the idea of global emigration/immigration to Canada. We looked at 4 questions, and the depth of understanding from the class is already impressive. These are the questions we looked at today:

Details on the inquiry project will be discussed next week, and also posted here.

Halloween! Our class was decked out in all sorts of scary finery! Have a safe and happy Halloween!

Thursday, 29 October 2015

October 29

I forgot to mention it in class today, but next Thursday could you please bring in some small, empty candy boxes (5-10) for an Art project? If you have any buttons, pipe cleaner, tiny assorted hardware doodads or small mis-matched toy pieces, you may bring those in as well. A Ziploc or paper bag would be a good place to assemble all these supplies.

Have a safe and happy Halloween!

Mrs. Startup

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

October 28, 2015


Review French Numbers (10, 20, 30...100) Quiz coming soon. The PDF may be used as a resource if your child has lost their copy (you can download and print this double-sided document):

Review standard form, expanded form, place value for whole numbers to 1 000 000. Quiz coming soon.

Social Studies:
By Friday, students should have completed their point form notes on select pages from Chapter 3 in the Social Studies text; they are to develop questions for the most important notes, (where the answer to their question is directly from the text). The pages we've covered over the past week are pp. 33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 45.

Friday, 16 October 2015

October 16, 2015


• continue to practice 3 x tables
• have the good copy of Paper Blog coloured and ready to hand in Monday morning
• parents look for a Student info sheet coming home: please verify all the info is correct, if it is not right, correct it for us, and in all cases, sign it at the bottom of the back of the form and return Monday.
• Math: Handout p. 15 (M)

Reminder: Next Wednesday October 21 our class, along with Divisions 3 and 5 will be attending a play at Presentation House from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. Permission forms were sent home along with a request for $10 cheque (made out to Brooksbank School) or cash. Please return your forms and money as soon as possible if you haven't done so already.


Our class won a prize!

I received this email today from the University of Guelph:

"We are pleased to announce the winners of our Fall 2015 #SMTPselfie contest!

Thank you to all who entered, we had some great entries this program! The winners for the #SMTPselfie contest will receive a Life Scanner Kit  which will essentially allow them to DNA barcode 4 organisms of their choice and find out what species they are!

Currently these kits are being offered for free for first time users + shipping online at the above mentioned link, so be sure to sign your class up for one!
And without further ado...the winners of the Fall 2015 #SMTPselfie contest are:

1) Brooksbank Elementary School - BC"

Last year I applied to do the Malaise Trap Biodiversity program and didn't get my class accepted, so when the chance came around this year, I applied again. We had a lot of fun collecting bugs back in September and early October. We'll hear the results in December, but in the meantime, we were one of 5 schools singled out, out of a total of 80 schools across Canada! Lucky us!

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Thursday, October 9


Math: Pages 228-229 questions 2, 5, 6 (on the separate sheet) due next Thursday

Art: Geometric Leaf Art due next Thursday
       Christmas Card Art due tomorrow

Have fun at the party tomorrow!

Mrs. Startup

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Wednesday October 7, 2015


"Space Elevator" reading assignment (F)

Math: 3 times tables (continue practicing)

French: Quiz on Numbers 1-22 early next week. Focus on listening to and speaking the numbers in French; spelling is not a factor for this quiz.

We will have a short party this Friday afternoon, just because. Students are invited to contribute in whatever way they'd like, but if they intend to bring cookies or snacks, to only bring enough for 10-12 people, otherwise we'll have way too much food!

Monday, 5 October 2015

Monday October 5, 2015


Study French Numbers 1-22 (memorize the french words eg: 1 = un; 2 = deux; etc.), and be able to pronounce them from English to French and from French to English).

Study 3 x tables (0 x 3 = 0 up to 12 x 3 = 36)

Ensure "My Life Map" is finished, coloured, and at school for Tuesday morning.

Friday, 2 October 2015

Friday, October 2, 2015


Students are to have the good copy of their "My Life Map" coloured and completed for Monday morning.

We finished the 2 times tables today, and next week we'll be focusing on the 3 times tables.

School photos arrived today: your child should have a photo package with ordering information in their backpack.

Thanks to those parents who were able to get the blizzard of school forms and cheques into us in a timely fashion. Much appreciated!

Today brought the end of our two-week Malaise Trap Program. We ship the trap, our data sheet, and our two collection bottles off to the University of Guelph, and they begin the process of determining what species we've collected and how many, as well as doing gene analysis to develop a DNA barcode for each species. We're thankful we got a chance to take part in this nationwide survey!