Thursday, 29 January 2015

Thursday, January 29


1.  Math Grade 5: worksheet p. 107; Long division quiz signed

2.  Mrs. Beleski's Math p. 179 #5, 6, 7

3.  Math Grade 6: p. 101-102 #1-6

4.  Science Technology Brainstorm; Assessment signed (5 Kingdoms)

5. Jump Rope notice

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Thursday, January 22


1. Grade 5 Math: 2 bar graphs (use data from p. 104) due Thursday
  sign math quiz & test

2. Language Arts Paragraph Overdue

3. Science Assessment signed (5 Kingdoms)

4. Grade 6 Math: p. 97 #1-4 due Friday

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Homework: Thursday, January 15


1. Ms. Beleski's Math worksheet
2. Grade 6 Math: 12 multiplication questions
3. Grade 5 Math: Bring a ruler; p. 104 #2; 105 #1-5 & stretch; test & quiz signed
4. Science Assessment Thursday; get quiz signed

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Wow. First blog post in nearly a week. Meetings out of school every day since last Wednesday keeps me hopping, but no time for blog updates, for which I apologize.  Fortunately there hasn't been a lot of homework, per se, but one might wonder what, if anything, the students are learning judging from the Cone of Silence that has descended over this blog!

Gr. 6: No homework
Gr. 5: p. 141 # 9, 10, 11 (F) *** Also, we have begun working on times tables, starting with the 2 times tables (2 x 0 up to 2 x 12), and we'll have a quiz this Friday 16 January on that.

For Ms. Weiss (Th)
-Christmas paragraph

Reminder: Tennis continues this week and next (and you should see the progress!!).

Parent meeting tonight with Mrs. Martin if your child will be participating in the ski/snowboard program with us and Mt. Seymour.

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Thursday, January 8

HOMEWORK: January 8

1. Christmas Paragraph Revisions  (Must be ready to write good copy)

2. Grade 6 Math p. 81 #1-11 (M)

3. Grade 5 Math Long Division Quiz (Th); Math test signed

Mr. Clarke

1. Grade 5 Math p. 140 #1-4a (M)

* No school tomorrow

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

January 7, 2015


Gr. 5: p. 140 # 1-4a (not 4b) due (M)
Gr. 6: no math homework

Elastic band experimental write-up (M) unless already handed in

Christmas paragraph for Ms. Weiss (Th)

I sent out email invitations earlier this week to each parent email I had, so that you can view your child's electronic portfolio of work, using FreshGrade. If you haven't received the email, or are having difficulty, please email me

If you have any feedback or questions, I'd appreciate hearing from you regarding your child's eportfolio. Be aware that although most browsers are supported (even mobile platforms), some assets may not play well with older browsers, and at the moment Firefox doesn't allow video or audio to play well, whereas in my experience Safari and Chrome work flawlessly.


We have been talking about the slave trade this week, and students were enjoying an online interactive game that National Geographic has made for schools.

It requires a download of a browser plug-in, or (if on a tablet) an app, but thereafter the game is instructional, with many possible outcomes, and fun too. If your family is interested you can find the starting page here:.

 The Underground Railroad: Journey to Freedom

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Homework: Tuesday, January 6

1. Grade 6 Math: No homework

2. Science experiment design due Wednesday morning

For Mrs. Weiss:
1. Christmas Draft Paragraph (Thursday)

2. Grade 5 Math: p. 89-90; Math test signed  (Thursday)