Monday, 31 March 2014

Welcome back from Spring Break!

We have lots going on in these final few months of school.

My student teacher, Ms. Rublee, began her practicum with us today. She will increasingly take on more of the teaching workload under my supervision until June. She has been working hard planning lots of interesting units -- but more from her in a moment.

In the meantime, the only new homework is:

Gr 4: p. 198 # 1-8 (Th)

Also, over the 2-week break, our salmon fry have grown to the point where today we began feeding them. Here's a picture of them from this afternoon.

We will continue to feed and care for these babies  for about 3+ weeks until the end of April. At that time we will release them into the wild in a nearby creek, but for now our focus is to feed them to make them big and strong so they will be ready for their impending migration with hundreds of thousands of other salmon out into the Pacific Ocean.

Now, here's a quick word from Ms. Rublee…
I hope that your spring break was a fun and relaxing one and that life is getting back to normal.
I'm very excited to begin my practicum and looking forward to getting more teaching experience. As my first activity I introduced the passport challenge and virtual tour around the world. This activity will be on-going throughout the entire 10 weeks that I'll be here. 

Every time that we study a new country in French, Art, or Language Arts, students will add an entry into their passports listing the name of the country and a brief description of what they have learned about that country. At then end of the unit, the booklets will be collected for marks. 

I look forward to the adventure!

Friday, 7 March 2014

Yesterday our class helped to plant 6 baby apple trees on the school property. I asked the class afterwards to write imaginary journal entries for one of those apple trees. This morning one of my students handed in her homework, and it was such a good read I decided to add a bit of music and record her reading her own writing. Check it out! I asked students to write one imaginary entry per month for the next year, then once a year until 2020!

Math Homework:
Gr 5: p. 189 # 12, 4-10, 13 (M)

Science: Sign the quiz and return to Mr. Clarke asap.

Report cards went home today. Please keep the report card, and have your child return the envelope, signed, to me on Monday. Thank you.

Sunday, 2 March 2014



Students are responsible for memorizing and understanding these 4 words and their definitions:
transmit • allow light to pass through; for example, a window will transmit light

transparent • something that lets you see clearly through (eg: water, a window)

translucent •  allowing only some light to pass through; waxed paper and frosted glass are examples

opaque • blocking all light (eg: a wooden door, a wall, etc.)

Gr 4: p. 192 # 1-4 (M)
Gr 5: p. 179 # 1-11 (M)

Gr 5 only: Test on numbers 1-20 (Th)