Performances are scheduled for 11:00 AM on Tuesday, June 11 and Wednesday, June 12, 2013.
Students have asked for either a large role or small role or a backstage role, and I am very pleased with their willingness to be flexible and their excitement for taking part in this wonderful journey.
The first job is to memorize lines, which should happen over the next three weeks. By the time students come back from Spring Break, they should have their lines memorized. That is, they should be "off book". For the largest roles with the most number of speaking lines even that may be optimistic, which is why we started as early as we have.
A compressed version of the script can be downloaded here.
The full version (14 MB) can be downloaded here.
Meanwhile, report cards went home this afternoon, and parent-teacher interviews are scheduled for next week along with early dismissal for students.
If you cannot come to the school in person to sign up for a time, you can always call the office ((604) 903-3280) and ask if an appointment time can be selected for you.
Mapping Activity (M)